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Emotional intelligence

Most of the time, when I quit my job, it was because of my bosses 😔

One of the shocking incidents with a boss was

At one of my previous jobs, there was a stark discrepancy in my role. Externally, to our clients, I was portrayed as a senior team member, contributing high-level expertise and services. However, internally, my official title remained at a junior level, a status reflected not just in my designation but also my pay scale. Despite providing senior-level contributions, I was recognized and compensated as a junior employee.

So I went to my boss and I asked my boss for a promotion.

And he said,

“Why would I promote a woman when I could promote a man?” đŸ˜Č

He went on to explain that as a woman, I could get pregnant.

Yes, this is exactly what my boss told me at one of my first jobs, and I quit that job soon after that conversation.

Most leaders fail because they don’t have emotional intelligence as it plays a crucial role in effective leadership.

Why emotional intelligence is important in leadership:

✅ Self-awareness:

→ Leaders with high emotional intelligence are aware of their own strengths, weaknesses, and emotions which helps them make better decisions, handle pressure, and manage their own behavior effectively.

✅ Empathy:

→ Emotional intelligence allows leaders to understand and empathize with the emotions, needs, and concerns of their team members which fosters trust, strengthens relationships, and promotes collaboration.

✅ Relationship building:

→ Leaders who are emotionally intelligent excel in building and maintaining positive relationships which helps them create a positive work environment and enhances employee engagement.

Now, let's see how you can develop emotional intelligence and become a great leader:

🐉 Active listening:

→ Practice active listening skills to understand the perspectives and emotions of your team.

🐉 Seek feedback:

→ Regularly seek feedback from your team members, peers, and superiors to understand how your behavior and actions impact others.

🐉 Continuous growth:

→ Keep learning and developing your emotional intelligence through workshops, books, coaching, and mentoring.

Remember that developing emotional intelligence is an ongoing process that requires practice, self-reflection, and a genuine commitment to personal growth 💯

By cultivating emotional intelligence and the power of the dragon, you can enhance your leadership abilities and positively impact your team and organization.

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